Smart Orchestration

Cypress Cloud provides four distinct Smart Orchestration features for use in CI to speed up test runs, accelerate debugging workflows, and reduce costs:

  • Parallelization: Reduce test duration by running multiple test spec files simultaneously across available CI machines.
  • Load Balancing: Optimize CI resources and minimize test duration by intelligently prioritizing running of test spec files during parallelization.
  • Spec Prioritization: Quickly verify that your latest changes fixed a build by prioritizing the specs that failed in the previous Cypress run.
  • Auto Cancellation: Save on CI resources by automatically canceling a Cypress run upon the first test failure.

Spec Prioritization

It is often helpful to be aware of test failures earlier within a CI test run so that debugging and iterations can resume and progress much faster. Being able to catch issues sooner within the CI process can save valuable time in troubleshooting failures and deploying fixes.

Activate Spec Prioritization in Cypress Cloud

Spec Prioritization is a Smart Orchestration feature that is managed within a project's settings.

To enable or disable this feature at the Project level (must be an admin user):

  1. Select the desired project within Projects view to visit Cypress Cloud.
  2. Click "Project Settings" with the right-hand sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the Smart Orchestration section within Project Settings page.
  4. Toggle "Spec Prioritization".
Enable Spec Prioritization

Auto Cancellation

Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines are typically costly processes that can demand significant compute time. When a test failure occurs in CI, it often does not make sense to continue running the remainder of a test suite since the process has to start again upon merging of subsequent fixes and other code changes.

Activate Auto Cancellation in Cypress Cloud

Auto Cancellation is a Smart Orchestration feature that is managed within a project's settings. Coming soon, you will also have the option to enable the feature on a per-run basis with the Cypress CLI.

To enable or disable this feature at the Project level (must be an admin user):

  1. Select the desired project within Projects view to visit Cypress Cloud.
  2. Click "Project Settings" with the right-hand sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the Smart Orchestration section within Project Settings page.
  4. Toggle "Auto Cancellation".
  5. Set the "failures before auto canceling" threshold (or just leave it at the default value of 1).
Enable Auto Cancellation